SAGADA: Pinikpikan Haus

Before heading for the Yoghurt House, we first got some good authentic-to-the-bones "pinikpikan" to fill our hungry tummys. It's also good for warming up 'cause it does get cold up there.

Store front - you'd have to go down some flight of stairs but you won't miss it as they are quite known for their  "especialty"

the ambiance - it's soooo indigenous

the crowd - there was just one table occupied when we entered and that's the table on the left most with the candle. Apparently, it was the owner and her friend. Then a few minutes after, another set of local tourist came in. I guess pinikpikan is not something the foreigners fancy.

the food - of course we ordered pinikpikan! what's the point of eating here if we wouldn't order the specialty right? =P

PINIKPIKAN platter deconstructed:

red rice and cucumber garnish

pinikpikan - chicken soup. It is prepared by beating a live chicken with a stick prior to cooking. The beating bruises the chicken's flesh, bringing blood to its surface, which is said to improve the flavour after cooking. I'm sorry PAWS but this is really sarap-to-the-bones! =P

chopseuy - sauteed fresh highland veggies

the aftermath

1 comment:

  1. thank you very much for coming to Pinikpikan Haus. Pls check our blog site at
